Moving to a high-quality assisted living Sarasota facility doesn’t mean that you can’t leave. Instead, you can drive when you want and go wherever you’d like on your schedule. However, it is important to follow a few safety guidelines to minimize the risk of serious injury or harm you may experience.
Know Your Capacities
As we age, we lose some of our physical capabilities. These can affect how safely we drive. For example, if you can’t turn your head to the right and left easily anymore, you could easily miss out on warning signs for potentially dangerous driving situations. Also, talk to your assisted living Sarasota home to learn more about how your medications may affect your driving skills. Doing so could save a life.
Understand Driving Guidelines for Your Center
Does your assisted living Sarasota home have driving guidelines for its seniors? For example, do you have to drive at a specific speed when you’re at the center? These guidelines are important to follow because they’re set up to help seniors avoid serious accidents. By taking the time to understand these facets, you can do what you can to minimize your struggles in this situation.
Get Your Vision and Hearing Checked
As a senior, you may have some vision and hearing troubles that should be regularly checked. It’s a good idea to get checked at least once a year, minimally. However, we strongly recommend that you get tested at least every four or five months, as it isn’t uncommon for hearing and vision loss to affect seniors late in life. Getting help can be key to avoiding serious driving dangers.
Consider a Driving Partner
When you move into an assisted living Sarasota home, you’ll likely make a broad new range of friends that you can spend time with every day. Thankfully, this should make it easier for you to find a driving partner whenever you go out. An assisted living Sarasota, Florida, facility may even help introduce you to someone who needs to go out when you drive, helping make your experience safer.
You Can Stay Safe
If you’re moving into an assisted living Sarasota, Florida, facility and plan on driving, it is important to continually assess your abilities to ensure that you don’t take any unnecessary risks. By keeping track of your abilities and being honest about them, you can minimize your risk of serious driving dangers.